25 May 2005

Real Beer . . .

A fellow beer lover recently asked me to define "real beer" during one of our many discussions on the subject of domestic versus imported beer. While one can agrue the merits of one brew over another, taste, price, etc., I offered him the following criteria:

Real beer comes in kegs or bottles.

Real bottled beer doesn't have a twist off cap.

Real beer doesn't have the words "lite", "ice", "born on", "dry", or "low carb" on the label.

Real beer doesn't have to be ice cold to taste good.

Real beer leaves a distinct foam-lace residue on the inside of the drinking glass.

Real beer usually has a 100 year+ brewery history.

Real beer is seldom "on sale".

Real beer is usually scorned by folks who consume Bud, Coors, PBR, Miller, or worse.

Real beer has distinct character and taste, is never "watered down" or "skunky" in taste.

Real beer is usually "imported".

Real beer is savored not gulped or guzzled.


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