Friday, blessed Friday . . .

Another work week will end in a few short hours from now! Yeah buddy! The weekend holds the promise of low humidity and moderate 80 degree temperatures - a huge change in the way this week started out.
My office is in Lancaster County, PA . . . near a tiny Pennsylvania Dutch community called "Salunga" (kind of sounds like a medical diagnosis, doesn't it?). All kidding aside, this is a beautiful area. There are a number of PA Dutch religious sects represented in the local population and "buggy sightings" are fairly common on the local roads. The predominate land use is farming with an adbundance of crop lands. The most interesting/unusual crop grown in these parts is tobacco. There are special "tobacco barns" designed to increase ventilation to cure the harvested tobacco crops . . . pretty neat.
The ride to and from work is an enjoyable experience. I often find myself taking deliberate detours and alternate roads just for the fun of it. Except on Fridays . . . blessed Fridays, they are always direct flight days homebound.
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