My PSU "fan profile"

I was a senior at Mount Saint Mary's College in 1969. The Mount was known for it's basketball championships and the closest thing we had on campus to "football" was an intermural rugby team. That didn't stop Catholic college kids from watching NCAA football games . . . but of course Notre Dame and Boston College were natural "favorite teams" for most of guys on campus. In those days, happiness was defined as a Notre Dame victory over USC. Honestly, I enjoyed college football but I wouldn't have characterized myself as a true "fan of the game".
I accepted an invitation to watch the Orange Bowl at a girl friend's house in 1969. She was a PSU student and she and her family were PSU fans. I think Joe Paterno's appearance on the field was the first thing that struck me as unusual . . . be wore "flood pants" and white socks. What a character I thought. PSU was playing Kansas in what proved to be an interesting game. Having never seen PSU play, I had no idea about the legend of linebackers and smash mouth ground games associated with their program. The experience is over 35 years old and I can remember but one detail of the game . . . PSU scored with only a few seconds left in the 4th quarter to set up a tie in the game. I didn't know that Joe doesn't play for tied games. The Lions went for a 2 point conversion and missed. Everyone watching the game got up and left the room. I thought I had seen a penalty flag fly across the bottom of the screen, so I stayed seated to be sure. Sure enough, Kansas had too many players on the field and PSU went for 2 points - successfully this time - and won the game 15 to 14. Everybody who had been watching the game missed the "bonus play" that took place with no time on the clock - except me, a new-born Penn State fanatic!
I've been hooked on Penn State football ever since the 1969 Orange Bowl. The Lions have given me much to cheer about in the 35+ years I've followed them, including 2 national championship teams. My 2 children were featured in a television special covering PSU's send off to their second national championship game . . . little Lions!!! My kids knew all the Penn State cheers before they knew how to recite the alphabet. I had a friend who was a trainer at PSU who found a way to secure 2 PSU game jerseys that I ended up giving my son and daughter. We've been to dozens of PSU games over the years but the statistic I'm most proud of is that I haven't missed watching or listening to a PennState game since December of 1969. Love my Lions!
I've followed JoePa through most of his head coaching career at Penn State. Say what you may about him, I think he is one of the finest individuals ever to be associated with the sport. Joe's standards of academic and athletic excellence are second to none. I hope the year Joe picks to retire will feature the Lions in a close bowl game win . . . over Oklahoma or Alabama . . . those of you who know, know why that would be so sweet! Oh . . . and Joe, wear the floods and whale tails!
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