Mr. Spencer Spends The Weekend

Spencer is a true "tea cup" Poodle . . . he's a little bit more than nothing in size and weight . . . but as fast as a rocket and fearless. Over the years, acquired a number of nicknames - Spenny, Spenny Spen, Mister Ben, Benny, and Mister Bub. Originally our second Poodle, he sired the litter from which Madison is the first born. Turned out that Mister Ben didn't play well with our other dogs and needed a solo living situation . . . so we gave him to neighbor family who live directly behind our house. He's brought joy to the 2 children in that family and occassionally comes over for a visit. This weekend he's "staying over" while our neighbors are out of town. Same on Spenny . . . pees every where to mark his turf and doesn't take anything off of the other Poodles . . . gotta love him!
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