02 June 2006

Four Weeks Have Pasted . . .

Today marks 4 weeks since my last day at my former job. I received word from several former co-workers that every suggestion I made about personnel re-alignment and my recommended replacement have all come to past as of yesterday. Having worked hard to get things to a high level during my tenure there, it's a wonderful thing to know that the right folks will continue the quest for excellence.

In the past 28 days, I've been able to make contact with all the folks I care about at the old workplace, swap email addies, have some long phone conversations, and keep our lines of communication wide open . . . that's a wonderful thing also . . . I don't miss the old job, just a whole bunch of people!

The new job is amazing - challenging - and one I embrace with enthusiasm. It's been a good 4 weeks.


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