While on duty at one of my company's facilities in Connecticut, I met up with this modern marvel . . . a fully computerized coke and snack machine. It features a "pay ahead" by cash or credit card option. The unit uses biometrics (you thumb print) to remember you and dispense whatever you want until you've exhusted your pre-paid amount. Every purchase entitles you to "pay the CT lottery" on a small screen . . . you can win instant cash up to $100. Did your soda or snack get stuck and not drop to the dispensing bin . . . no problem, just call the posted 1-800-number, give the operator the selection number - like "D 16" and they can nudge the slot a bit and make it drop for you in "real time". Just amazing! The only downside to the set up . . . you gotta buy 2 of each item . . . they are priced 2 for a buck . . . not bad!
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