18 October 2006

99 Bottles of Beer . . . #28 and #29

Back in Savage Maryland again on company business for the week . . . time to taste test some more beers.

Last night at the Ram's Head Tavern (Savage Mills Complex), I tried some Fordham's "Copperhead Ale", a local microbrew. I love a good ale . . . this one fell short of the mark on all counts. One with dinner, disappointing, may I have a Bass Ale for round 2 thank you very much . . . I'd give this brew an honest 2 points out of 5.

Tonight . . . it's work in the motel room time . . . let's try some 6 packs . . . first up . . . #29 . . . Grolsch Amber Ale. My first impression of this Dutch brew is favorable . . . a delicate, light, easy to drink ale . . . now on my second one with dinner . . . not bad! It'll take a few more of these to reach a final verdict . . . right now I'm leaning toward the notion that not bad equals not spectacular . . . it's enjoyable to drink (kind of like pounding down Coronas) but it lack distinct character. Finishes smooth which is a plus. I'll buy this again. For now, 4 out of 5 points for this easy to drink ale.


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