01 December 2006

99 Bottles of Beer #34 & #35

Tis the season of the "variety case" and I bought a case of Yuengling's latest offering. Of the 4 six packs, only the Black and Tan (#34) and Lord Chesterfield Ale (#35) will undego "official review" in this post.

Yuengling Black and Tan is drinkable. It lacks the body and richer flavor of imported 50:50 mixes of stouts and ales . . . but still comes away as an enjoyable beer. Around here, a fellow has to wait until the holiday season to get YB&T in the bottle . . . I've had it before and consider it a seasonal treat. One six pack is enough. 3 stars.

Lord Chesterfield's bee around since the mid-1970's. I use to enjoy it at the Farnsworth House in Gburg on Sunday afternoons back then. Like YB&T, it only shows up locally in variety cases during the holidays. It's an ale with a bit of a bite. Finishes rough and doesn't inspire a second round. Compared to imported ale . . . well, that ain't fair . . . let's just let my bias for PA-brewed beers show by saying "it's pretty good for an American ale". One bottle a day is enough, one six pack a year is enough. 3 stars.


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