BS . . .

NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) - Television networks face a killer of a conundrum with the impending execution of Saddam Hussein, whose hanging could be videotaped and perhaps aired on Iraqi TV.
The timing of Saddam's date with the gallows was unclear, but late Thursday CBS, NBC and Fox News Channel reported that the former dictator, convicted this year in the deaths of 148 people in 1982, would be turned over by the American military to the Iraqi government within 36 hours and hanged before the start of a Muslim holiday on Sunday.
Several sources said Saddam's execution would be videotaped by the Iraqi government, though it wasn't clear whether it would be released to the public or broadcast.
"We will video everything," Iraqi National Security adviser Mouffak al Rubaie told CBS News.
Judging by the Iraqi government's release Tuesday of videotape of the hanging of 13 convicts, it could be a gruesome affair. Meetings were held Thursday in at least two network headquarters over how to handle the potentially graphic images.
ABC and CBS said they wouldn't air the full execution if the video became available.
Bullshit! Now the media is suddenly concerned about keeping "graphic and gruesome" out of our living rooms . . . bullshit double standard IMHO. Here's a prediction . . . when it happens, you can bet "Woof" Blitzen over at CNN will walk around with his head bowed and mumble sad remarks about his execution . . . it'll be a riot to watch . . . don't miss it.

It's called "documentary film footage" folks! Mussolini's execution (out take above) is a prime example.
I love the Bullshit bag. I don't know whose idea it was, but it's pure genius.
I know it's been a few days but you linked to my Tell It To Me Tuesday question. I cant seem to find the answer though. Am I missing it?:(
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