24 April 2007

Crow's Mouth and Rosie's Ass

The answer, presumably, is no -- but Rosie made her point, pooh-poohing Sheryl Crow for suggesting that we all use just one square of toilet paper per trip to the loo.

Crow made her comments on her blog last week, and Rosie took a moment on this morning's "The View" to express her incredulity at the supposedly enviro-friendly suggestion.

"Have you seen my ass?!" bellowed Rosie, and Barbara Walters was good enough to warn viewers not to use their sleeves, another of Crow's helpful suggestions.

That's just about enough scatology and wipe-tech for one morning on that zany kaffeeklatsch.

DD Note: Shit Sheryl, why not just use your bare hand?!? Shit Rosie, your ass is the last thing on earth anyone wants to see or hear about. To be this starved for press exposure is sick, sad, and just plain shitty!


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