Too Cool For Words . . .
I waited nearly 6 decades for this evening! I've always been intrigued by comets, conjunctions, eclipses, etc., I'd never seen any of the planets through a telescope. Last week, using a telescope for the first time, I saw Venus several times. It's been a huge learning curve, trying to figure out how to align my scope and use all the electronic whistles and bells.
Tonight . . . I managed a decent polar alignment, still not a perfect, but close enough to get the electic drive motors to slew the scope over to the planet Saturn. I had no idea what expect and was absolutely thrilled when I brought the ringed-planet into focus! Amazing! I immediately called my family members out to look at it. Like me, it was a first experience for them as well.
My only lament was not having my laptop and camera system available to photograph it . . . but I expect to have a photo before the end of next week. Celestron 6" refractor, cost me some bucks, but money well spent, this is too cool for words!
Sounds like a hellofa good time.
Pretty amazing stuff for sure. This Saturday, early evening there is a conjunction of the moon and Venus just after sunset . . . no scope needed . . . it'll be an interesting event to observe, who knows, you may even get hooked too!
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