14 March 2008

Babble news . . .

Patrick Swayze still smoking despite being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
By BARRY WIGMORE - Last updated at 22:56 pm on 13th March 2008

Puffing on a cigarette is not the most sensible thing to do when you're battling cancer.
But if, as reports suggest, Patrick Swayze has only a few weeks to live, he may think it makes little difference.

The once-athletic star of Dirty Dancing, Ghost, and action films such as Point Break looked gaunt as he dragged on a cigarette while waiting for his private plane.

I love Patrick's movies and career . . . so don't get me wrong about this . . . it's absolutely his own business what he chooses to do - with, or without the unfortunate diagnosis. Mr Wigmore's article is a fine example of "babble news" . . . geez, says a writer, I need a story, so I'll trot one out . . . blah, blah, blah, blah . . . blah . . .


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