11 September 2008

Something to ponder . . .

It seems to me that the liberal media and the Dems have spent the past 7 years bashing President Bush, and anyone else for that matter, who supports the war on terrorism. I understand that there are those who will do anything to discredit a strong stance on national defense . . . geez, we've witnessed a steady parade of anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-this, anti-that over since the fateful day we lost 3000 Americans at the hands of terrorists.

What I find disgusting is willingness of some politicians to trade America's security for political popularity and gain. No part of that is right, on either side of the aisle. Fact - there have been no successful attacks against our homeland under the President's watch since that tragic day 7 years ago. Yes, it's true, the President has paid a aweful price in the arena of public opinion for sticking to this single-minded mission of homeland defense (taking it to them on their soil), and sadly U.S. military losses during this time is another high ticket item too. Is there anyone who honestly thinks that freedom is free?

The record on homeland defense speaks for itself . . . we haven't seen images like the one above since 9/11 . . . therein is the legacy of our President and freedom fighters.


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