07 May 2005

Bass Ale "The Red Triangle"
I'm a beer lover! Generally speaking, if it comes in a can or has a twist off cap, I probably won't drink it. It's not that I don't enjoy American brewed beer - Yuengling Lager and several micro-brews are granted shelf space in the fridge occassionally. But when it comes to real beer - it's hard to beat German and British brews for full bodied flavor. Of the British beers, I give the nod to Bass Ale and Newcastle Brown Ale. Bass is my all time favorite, hands down!
I had the pleasure of visiting the Bass Ale brewery while on a tour of duty in the UK in the 1990's. Their complimentary pints left quite a first impression. During my stay in the mid-lands, pub visits were a frequent adventure. After tasting an assortment of local bitters, lagers, and ales, only Newcastle Brown made a similiar impression on me.
Now state side, I am an avid consumer of Bass and "Nukie Brown" (as the Brits called it). Newcastle is a great beer but filling - Bass will hang with you all night and never taste bitter or make a bloke blooted. The red triangle . . . Bass Pale Ale . . . a superb British brew!


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