07 May 2005

Pen name . . . origins and insights

Defiant Dragoon . . . why would anyone pick that pen name? Well, there an old saying that the car a person buys often reflects his or her personality . . . and I would offer to you that in the case of this pen name, a similiar dynamic is at work.

I chose "dragoon" for several reasons. For those unfamiliar with military traditions, a dragoon is a essentially a mounted infantry soldier able to deploy rapidly on a battlefield but who most often dismounts upon contact with the opposing forces and fights on foot. The Naploeonic Era was the golden era of the dragoon both on European and American battlefields. Every major nation had dragoons as part of their military TOE (table of organization). French, British, and American dragoons are perhaps the most colorful with respect to tradition, uniforms, and battle honors. Today, APCs, Bradley Fighting Vehicles, and other mechanized vehicles provide mobility for light infantry . . . only the Brits retain the title of dragoons for someof their modern units.

A deep-rooted interest in military traditions and a deep admiration of the spirit of the dragoon made the name selection quite easy. I can relate many parts of my personality and life experiences to that of a dragoon. Those who know me can attest to the facts that I am extremely self-disciplined (some would say subborn, bordering on anal), prone to attack a challenge immediately and head on, and always an individual who stops - dismounts - and engages the task at hand. So, IMHO, the notion of dragoon seems appropriate as a label for my personality. I'm sure there are those who may disagree.

Defiant . . . hmmm, that seems to contradict the notions of compliance and discipline associated with military bearing and demeanor. I love the "defiant versus compliant" paradox . . . because it illustrates another personality quirk I possess. Simply stated, I am a great person to have on the team as long as the goals of the team make sense! I believe in doing things correctly but I have an overriding value - do the right thing!

Defiant . . . for another reason, and maybe this is an age and experience dynamic, but I find myself challenging accepted practices that don't make sense to me. The go-along-to-get-along approach is falling out of favor with me, especially in those instances where I see human potential being squandered. Those who know me will tell you that I'm prone to "pull you" toward a solution rather than "push you" . . . and, yes he's relentless in the effort. He kills with kindness, shames with his patence, and wins your trust with leadership, and let's you take the credit for victories.

Defiant Dragoon in a modern world . . . old fart, hopeless romantic, tenacious work warrior, subtle leader, candid, creative thinker, and loyal friend.


At 12:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow I use to think these blogs were for the younger generation, but you seem fairly matured. More power to ya


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