The Legendary "Jim Bowie"

Here's a delightful combination of essential adult carbohydrates! It's been a long standing tradition (this goes back to my National Guard days in the 1980's) to toast or "salute" by drinking a series of shots in this order: Jameson, Drambuie, followed by a "B52" (Chambourg and Bailey's Irish Creme) chaser. This combination is called a "Jim Bowie" (my NG buddies and I coined the term). This combination is treated as "shooters" with no hestitation between shots.
The Jameson tastes a bit like Ronson lighter fluid, the "Buie" is a heavy, almost syrup like drink, that acts like an after burner (no pun intended) clearing your sinuses, and the sweet-favored B52 cleanses the palate cooling things off for the next round. One or two rounds of this combination will definately get you cooked.
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