09 January 2006

Institutional Insensitivity, My Ass . . .

There are very few times when I read something that causes me to cough and gag on the uptake of a sip of coffee . . . but, when I read that the Pennyslvania Chapter of the NAGs (national organization of gals) was calling for the resignation of Joe Paterno over his remarks about a Florida State football player alleged sexual abuse charge during Orange Bowl week.

You gotta be flipping kidding me! Joe Paterno is the last person on earth to qualify as "institutionally insensitive" considering all this great man has done to advance academic performance, build a library with his own money, and for the past 40 years set the highest standards for college athletics. OK you PA NAGs, our beloved JoePa can be outspoken at times and perhaps his words weren't carefully chosen and measured to current "PC standards" - but I'm sure that whatever has been misconstrued as "insensitive" has been taken out of context.

I just love the wacko fringe elements of our society . . . PA NAGs can kiss the Lions ass!


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