It can be Spring soon, thank you very much . . .
I don't know about anybody else, but this winter weather has overstayed its welcome. I was out in the shed the other night and I swear my John Deere garden tractor blinked its headlight as if to be flirting with me! It's time to mow some grass, plant some flowers, drink some Coronas, and enjoy warm temperatures again.
Tomorrow I travel north to Narazeth, PA on business. Last year I brought back a whole truck load of firewood from that location . . . can camping trips in the ole motor home be too far off now? It's time for BBQ and campfires. Gawd, I miss all that stuff.
The ChemLawn people put down an application of something on my yard yesterday . . . duh . . . it snowed last night . . . it's time for these jokers to go! Guess they figure they can sneak up on a contract renewal by showing up mid-winter to perform an unsolicited service.
The Poodles need to go outside to run, frolic, and terrorize the Spring bunny population. I'm looking forward to seeing Abbey sprint across the yards again . . . Maddy will try to keep up . . . and Miss Olivia just wants to sniff everywhere, in no particular hurry, just sniff . . . the dogs have cabin fever almost as bad as me.
Can anyone think of one redeeming characteristic of snow? I can't. It can be Spring tomorrow, thank you very much!
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