03 March 2006

It's called "lucking out" . . .

Yep . . . I lucked out! Usually things like this don't go my way but in this instance, Mother Luck was on my side . . . so, what's worse than a computer hard drive crashing? Having it crash and loosing everything on it.

Such was my peril a few weeks ago when my home PC went tits up. I have backup copies of much of the stuff . . . not everything, but enough to prevent the kind of mental melt down one experiences when it's all lost.

One very important section of information on the old PC was a collection of DooWop and R&B music that I had labored so long and hard to download, convert to MP3 format, and organize for future enjoyment. Several of the websites where I managed to find some of these obscure and rare trophy songs have long since ceased to exist, so needless to say, if my song files were lost so to was the hope of ever finding these recording again.

Much to my amazement and delight was the fact that once my new PC was up and running, it was possible to back load all the songs on my MP3 player onto the new PC. Even more delightful was the discovery that the software on the new PC actually filled in every previously unknown artists name, song title, etc. Previously, it took too much time for me to assign the specific info to each song in the older software, so I settled on titles like "001" and "002". This is awesome!!!

The trick this weekend will be to see if the newly software-assigned info and files can be loaded back unto the MP3 player with the info retained and read by the player.

I was accustomed to Real Player software, the new one is called MusicMatch Jukebox Plus . . . wow, what else have I missed out on?!?


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