29 April 2006

Difficult Days and Difficult Nights

Honestly, once I made my decision to change jobs, I didn't think it would be this difficult to wind things down at my facilities and move on what I'm sure will be the greatest opportunity and challenge of my career.

It took a few days for the news of my impending departure to filter through the ranks. I've supervised safety and training operations for nearly 800 drivers for over 11 years - developing strong rapport with these folks. It's like having a huge family. I know, or at least recognize, every name, every face, and often have come know some details about a good number of their lives. Pictures of their kids, war stories, pets they bring in to show off, some bit of advise they ask for or offer, news of a wedding or funeral, are all daily experiences for me in any one of the 8 facilities in my district.

I was doing OK earlier in the week, before the news hit the ranks. Thursday and Friday were an emotional roller coaster for a number of reasons . . . having "best wishes with your new career" conversations with tearing-eye drivers hit me pretty hard. As I make my final rounds to the facilities next week, attend 3 luncheons staff and drivers have planned, and bid farewell to my "family" it's going to be emotionally gut wrenching. I knew it would be hard, never thought it would hurt, not like this. These folks made such a difference in my life, I can only hope that I've made a difference in their lives as well . . . it would seem that way . . . and that's a huge embraceable positive to take away next Friday.


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