Re-Bogging - Thought This Was Great

Don't you understand?
A peaceful religion that spouts their rhetoric about peace and then sends their followers to kill Americans and others with chicken shit methods. They know that if they stand and fight toe to toe with the greatest fighting force in the world that they will get their ass's handed to them, toot sweet (thats french for right freeking now.) They are doing what they do best. Trying to KILL YOU!
They bitch and moan about our side killing their women and children but stand right next to their women and children when they are firing an RPG. The only thing the barbarians understand is, if they are killed while killing us, they will get their 71 virgins. (lets do the math...there is 40 million or so of them...40 million times 71 . . . thats a whole lot of virgins, might be a shortage there.)
So why don't we help them out and give them 5 minutes warning and carpet bomb the entire area. Make that sand one big glass blob. (The oil that we need is deep underground)
We are in WW3 and its time to wake up and smell the coffee people. The only way that we will win this is to band together and be strong. Those that dont agree should keep their mouths shut or move over there and learn to speak giberish or we will all be forced to speak giberish and worshiping some rag head religious icon.
Thanks to - - -
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