06 January 2007

99 Bottles of Beer . . . # 39 and # 40

Poorter Pale Ale and Chimay Grand Reserve . . . Belgian brews, ceramic tops and wire caged, both New Year's Day pre-bowl game treats . . . both expensive (I'd never buy them by the case), and both very unusual beers. They say Belgian monk-brewed beer is the finest in the world . . . I don't know about that, but they were both pleasant tasting and very flavor rich brews. Given the price my buddy Mark paid for them, their presentation, and all the hoopla about the Belgian tradition, what can I say other than they were very good tasting beers. A bit on the micro-brew - fruity side, more like champagne than beer, solid 4 stars for both. I'm sure at 9% alcohol by volume, it wouldn't take but a few of them to kick you in the ass! We sampled 2 bottles of each . . . and yes, I remember watching the bowl game . . . LOL!


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