25 May 2007

My Week and The Week

Between the demands of my job and some family issues the past 2 weeks, I've had very little keyboard time to devote to the blog. Really not a problem becuase of the limited readership, but noe the less I wanted to apologize for my absence.

So . . . what's up? First, the good news. My brother's operation to remove a cancerous kidney was successful this week. Biopsy results show him "in the clear" and that's great news!

The saga is over. Rosie O'Donnell will not be returning to "The View." Only way to improve on that headline would be Rosie will not be returning, to anything, period!

Obama and The Breck Girl both voted against the war funding bill . . . guess they made their final investment in defeat as that goes on record!

We sold our motorhome . . . re-thinking some alternative RV choices, nothing anticipated for this season - we may just take a traditional vacation instead.

A parent of a good friend passed this week . . . I was too busy with my life-challenges to offer anything more than condolences by phone.

We upgraded to Direct TV - finally, awesome HD.

2 of our poodles racked up 500 bucks in vet bills yesterday.

Gas is above $3.30 @ gallon just about everywhere around here . . . that sucks! Who would have thought gas would still be under 3 @ gallon in NJ this week . . . nope, I not going there for gas!

What a lovely week.


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