Restoration of Faith in Democracy
I gotta admit, since the most-recent presidential campaign, and subsequent take over of Congress and the executive branch, I've been in an absolute state of shock. For the past year, I saw the America I knew, defended, and loved be undermined by socialists who are hell bent and determined to destroy capitalism and representative democracy. I lamented, to anyone who'd listen, that this isn't the America that once was . . . worse, the damage done seemed irreversible. No need to slash and bash the current crop of politicians responsible for the mess, tempting as it might be for those of us who felt totally helpless to stop the wave of "change".
The miracle of Scott Brown's election to the Senate this week, to fill "The Kennedy Seat", in the most democrat state of the Union, sparked "hope" the America I love won't become a socialist dictatorship. Trust me, the only presidential photograph that adorns a wall in my house is one of JFK . . . and, for years, I was a devote registered Democrat. But since JFK, my former party morphed into a party I couldn't support. I'm not saying the many GOP politicians are all that much better . . . but it's still the only national political party that embraces the same conservative values that I embrace. Well . . . this was be a "year of hope and change" . . . many readers may be disappointed . . . me, I hoped for a miracle and it happened with Brown's victory. Will his seat in Congress change the direction our country was headed in? Let's hope so! My faith in democracy, for now, is restored.
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