03 February 2006

Just seems silly . . .

This may be one of the cartoons that touched off all the hub-bub of protests in Europe and the Middle East this week . . . I'm not really sure about the authenticity some of the stuff that gets posted on blogs . . . but after an extensive search, I found this one.

Where I live in "really small town America", we don't have a Muslim community (actually, I'd be surprized if we had a Muslim resident) in my locale so we normally don't have to worry about being politically correct at every wake and turn in the day. I've never observed anyone be disrespectful of the Muslim ideology since moving here 10 years ago . . . but I've got to admit that some of us are really puzzled why anyone would blow themselves up in order to find some virgins! Just seems to be a pretty silly notion . . . and I guess I can understand why this ideology would take offense to anyone who thinks self-destruction for the promise of virgins is a pretty silly idea - and, then make a joke about it.


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