06 February 2006

Keeping up . . .

When it comes to international affairs, I haven't kept pace. 30 years ago, I earned my post-graduate degree in international studies, so I have some academic background. Much has changed in the world since the 1970's and much more changed after 9/11.

I just know this . . . when I read reports about deadly violence in response to a cartoon or some clerics calling for death to any of us who are "not-whatever-their-vision-of-whatever-is" in their belief system . . . we are in deep shit if we ignore these early warning signs. Call it whatever you want, be a liberal or a conservative or whatever, it's not going to matter . . . if you're not one of them, in their minds, you are not worthy of existence. "Death to Freedom" one sign reads . . . a religious oligarchy, particulary a radical Islamist oligarchy scares the "bejeezus" out of me, how about you?


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