01 November 2006

99 Bottles of Beer . . . # 32 and # 33

Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale . . . 4 pack I picked up in Maryland and my first ever taste of this brew . . . WOW . . . now, that's an ale! Robust favor, complex, and very easy to enjoy finishing. Head was the only disappointment (I like lacy foam that lingers on the sides of a glass) but five stars otherwise! Give this a solid 5 out of 5. Too bad it's so darn expensive . . . about $3.25 a bottle.

Dinkel Acker Dark . . . brewed by Spaten of Munich . . . I've had the blonde version of DA a few years back but the dark is something special. Full bodied and flavored, this is what a dark German beer should taste like and finish . . . I'm impressed. Again, a 5 out of 5 for this one!

I love shopping for 6 packs in Maryland stores!


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