Pre-Game Festivities . . .

I don't recall a Penn State bowl game with a kick off before noon in the previous decades I've followed the Lions. But, tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. (EDT), the game begins. A few friends and relatives will huddle together tomorrow around the Hitachi wide screen . . . the only question at this point is whether we'll be drinking coffee or adult beverages at kick off (LOL).
A far as victuals go . . . the usual fare (brats, deer balogna, assorted cheeses, salsa, etc.) and because it's New Years I've added pick and peel shrimp and pulled pork to the menu (hey, any excuse to fire up the smoker grill on the last day of December works nicely). My buddy is bringing some Belgian beer, my son's bringing some micro brew, and I'll provide a baseload of Irish and English ales for the obligatory pep rally/bonfire in the front yard commencing at 09:00 a.m. (that always gets the neighbors fired up) . . . should be fun!
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