This guy is a piece of work . . .
Meet Giovanni DiStenfano. Legal eagle for such human debris as Slobodan Milosevich, Kenneth Noyle (M25 killer), Harold Shipman (serial killer), and Saddam Hussein (war criminal).
Woof is off today at CNN . . . drats, that would have been entertaining! But this guy DiStenfano has been interviewed regularly all day on CNN . . . he's a piece of work . . . and doesn't have the best track record should you be looking for a defense lawyer. Early leader in next week's dumbass of the week award . . . hey, I'm not particularly well versed in matters of law . . . but, since when is a foreign citizen, convicted by a foreign court of law, somehow protected by the U.S. Constitution? There shouldn't be any possible way that a U.S. District Court would have the authority to issue a stay of execution . . .
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