You gotta love photo editing programs! I agonized for months about not investing extra money in an APO or ED (ultra-high grade lens glass) optics in a refractor telescope. I wanted the largest diameter scope my budget would allow - so I opted for a 6" refractor without the fancy glass upgrade (an upgrade would have forced me to accept a 3" refractor). The downside of not having the upgraded optics - "chromatic abberation" - fancy words for the distinct blue glow that can appear around bright celestial objects viewed through a non-enhanced refractor (see unedited picture in previous post).
Well fellow novice star shooters, you're stuck looking at the glow if you peer into an eyepiece unless you use special filters (they help, but not 100%) or you can photograph the object and then remove the abberation with Corel Paint Shop Pro X (it is way too easy, even for me). The same photo (above) with "paint shopped" in about 15 seconds of keyboard time! Quite a difference and savings!
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