22 February 2006

OK . . . I've been holding off on this series of posts long enough! I've tried 'em and either like them or not. I only drink bottled beer (on tap too of course, but I don't do bars much). Those who know me also know that if a beer doesn't come in a bottle that requires an opener, I probably won't finish drinking it . . . that's just the way it is most of the time. Rating system, yep I have one.

Pretty simple:

5 Superb, would buy it again and share it only with my best friends and family.

4 Good, would buy it again, share it with anyone and not be ashamed.

3 OK, you buy it, I'll finish it if it's in a bottle.

2 Yuck, why did you buy this shit, wouldn't drink it even if it were personally poured from a bottle for me by Mandy Moore wearing just her underwear.

1 Weasel piss, maggot goo, rat snot, you get the idea.

So . . . here we go, the beers presented are in no particular order . . . but if it's a personal favorite, I'll let you know!


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