03 April 2006

Random thoughts about the weekend

This weekend seemed like the first true Spring weekend of the year. Maybe it was the warm temperatures or perhaps it was tending the smoker grill most of the day Saturday, I'm not sure. I got little "yard work" accomplished . . . it still seems too early for that . . . although we did manage to spend a great deal of time at a local nursery on Sunday. With some luck and the help of a landscaper, the residence will undergo a make over within the next 2 weeks. That initiative is "her project" and I'm pleased with the way it's taking shape.

Between tending the firebox on the smoker and drinking a few cold brews, I had lots of time to think about the past 5 months. Those who know me also know I hate cold weather and snow. This season wasn't bad. I remember 2 snow events and one ice event, none of which were anything all that big. I used the snow blower only once this season . . . that's one time away from having a perfect year! Some investments you make in life at good ones . . . the ole snow blower is one of them! Other than cold temperatures and fairly high natural gas bills this season, there wasn't much to bitch about.


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