02 January 2007

Nut jobs!

A top advisor to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed in an interview with Iranian website Baztab that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler's parents were both Jewish and that Hitler himself was one of the founders of the State of Israel.

No Shiite Sherlock . . . it took a Holocaust conference to figure this out!?! The Iranian government's "think tank" is about as intellectually gifted as common sewer workers (oops, sanitation engineer - don't wish to offend the PC crowd). I'm no expert in these matters but I'm pretty sure the being "Jewish" is a religious thing, not a race of people. Around here, we have Mennonites (a religious sect of "plain people") . . . they dress and act differently than the rest of us "Joe Snuffy" types. Funny thing about it is . . . I could join the Mennonite community if I wanted to (don't worry, I won't because they don't drink beer) without being born of Mennonite parents. Ahma-dim-a-brain and Ali Raminoodle are poster kids for cranial-rectal inversion clinics around the world!


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