22 March 2010

1776 - 2010 It was a good run!

So . . . where were you the day freedom in our beloved USA ended? With the ever-growing emergence of a socialist nanny state in 2010, recently amplified by the passage of a health industry take over act, freedom in America, at least as I knew it, loved it, and served to defend it, is teetering on life support.

I can tell you exactly where I was the hour and day when JFK was shot, when Challenger blew up, and when John L was shot . . . sadly, I can now add last Sunday morning to that list.

For those who "get it" . . . we've reached the threshold that seperates individual freedom, and the eventual government control of nearly every aspect of our lives . . . we've been pushed deeper into an era of entitlement, government dependency, and the path to eventual dictatorship grows wider and slicker. This is not the same America I knew 40 years ago. I take solice in 2 things. I'm surely not the only person who thinks this way, and although taking our country back peacefully will be difficult, it's not impossible to accomplish if enough people rally together in November to throw these bafoons out of office. Socialism was never what our founders had in mind for us . . . rugged individualism, God-fearing honor, and liberty . . . a government that governs best, governs least . . . where and when did the voting public get dumbed down to the point where American core values had to be placed on life support?

God bless America . . . we need those blessings now, more than ever!


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