29 May 2007

Correction . . .

I reported earlier today that AOL was shielding moonbat Cindy by not allowing members to post comments about their news story on her. My report was premature, later in the morning AOL opened up a thread for readers to post reactions. Well . . . did that ever bring rain!!! Learned something . . . there are conservatives who subscribe to AOL (now I don't feel so guilty) and those who posted let her have it . . . slam, bam, on just about every count! My post was simple: "Fat ass Rosie has left the building (header) . . . and the moonbat Mom has returned to the belfry, what a great week! (body)" I checked the post before leaving work and it still had 5 out of 5 positive thumbs up from the readership.

The more I thought about it today . . . the DNC and the rest of the wacko libtards used her and then abandoned her . . . geez, like we didn't see that one coming all along . . . and true to morning conference call talking points, AOL left her out to hang too . . .


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