O'Donnell - Spue and Vomit

Welcome! To the world, you may be only one person . . . but to one person, you may be the world.
Using plants to feed our fuel needs may be a great idea, and the biofuel goldrush could be a moneyspinner for several poor countries, but some experts warn people may go hungry as food prices rise. Fans of biofuels give the impression we could soon be running cars on maize, producing electricity with sugar, and getting power from palm oil.
“It appears we have appointed our worst generals to command forces, and our most gifted and brilliant to edit newspapers! In fact, I discovered by reading newspapers that these editor/geniuses plainly saw all my strategic defects from the start, yet failed to inform me until it was too late.
I sure hope enough conservative-minded folks out there are as pissed as I am over the left's efforts to sell out America.
Wacky March weather!!! Oh, I forgot, it must be an effect of global warming.
Everyday I check the AOL "post your thoughts" boards where subscribers comment on the AOL-slanted, mostly-sensationalized and distorted, yellow press journalistic "breaking news stories of the day". It amusing actually, reading what the libtards have to say . . . it's amazing also how any story, regardless of theme, will instantly degenerate into a bash Bush thread. Logic, truth, and common sense be damned . . . give the libtards every opportunity to bash, bash, bash. You know what scares the hell out me? These flaming assholes can vote! That's just fucking wonderful.
Man . . . that's as warm as it's been since late-January! Sounds funny saying that! BBQ season is upon us!!!
Mullah Mahmood, who is accused of helping the Taliban detonate suicide bombs, was caught Tuesday in Kandahar province while wearing the all-encompassing Islamic veil worn here by women, NATO said.
The change takes effect Sunday, as daylight saving time begins three weeks earlier (and ends a week later, on the first Sunday in November). And many companies are scrambling to reset BlackBerry e-mail devices, desktop PCs and big data-center computers used to automate payrolls, purchasing and manufacturing.
the "march into Spring 2007" has officially begun! Yeah Buddy! This old fool is looking forwarded firing up the smoker grill, getting the RV ready for campin' season, and tuning up the John Deere for mowing season. The Blue and White football game and the eventual start of Pen State's 2007 campaign . . . for some reason, I mentally hold out for March as a pivotal month of the year . . . it's here so I cheer! The only negative associated with March 2007 is the early start of daylight savings time . . . that totally messes up my sleep cycle for weeks.
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