31 March 2007

O'Donnell - Spue and Vomit

On Thursday’s show, during a discussion on the war on terror and the prospect of war in Iran, O’Donnell veered into the theory that World Trade Center 7, which fell hours after the Twin Towers, was possibly destroyed purposely by explosives. "I do believe that it was the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel," O'Donnell said when questioned on whether she thought the government was behind the collapse of WTC 7. "I do believe that it defies physics for the World Trade Center tower 7, which collapsed in on itself -- it is impossible for a building to fall the way it fell without explosives being involved. Miraculously, the first time in history steel was melted by fire," she said.

I wish this moonbat wacko bitch would just shut the fuck up!

28 March 2007

Nice butt . . .


22 March 2007

Where can I buy tortilla offset credits?!?

Using plants to feed our fuel needs may be a great idea, and the biofuel goldrush could be a moneyspinner for several poor countries, but some experts warn people may go hungry as food prices rise. Fans of biofuels give the impression we could soon be running cars on maize, producing electricity with sugar, and getting power from palm oil.

Even though the biofuel boom is only just beginning, it has already pushed up the cost of staples in places like Mexico where rocketing tortilla prices have sparked angry protests.

DD Note . . . I don't get it, we find an alternate fuel source and some other group of wackos give us a doom and gloom assessment. I plan to buy premium fuel for my SUV for as long as it's available, and I ain't giving up cornbread or tortillas . . . so I say: "Argo" (need that transulated?)

17 March 2007

Ole Marse Robert Had It Right . . .

“It appears we have appointed our worst generals to command forces, and our most gifted and brilliant to edit newspapers! In fact, I discovered by reading newspapers that these editor/geniuses plainly saw all my strategic defects from the start, yet failed to inform me until it was too late.

Accordingly, I'm readily willing to yield my command to these obviously superior intellects, and I'll, in turn, do my best for the Cause by writing editorials- after the fact.”

—Robert E. Lee, 1863

16 March 2007

90% - 10%

90% of the ignorant people I know are liberals, the other 10% can't drive in the snow!

15 March 2007

Libtard Pukes Never Rest . . .

I sure hope enough conservative-minded folks out there are as pissed as I am over the left's efforts to sell out America.

82 degrees yesterday - 3 to 6 inches of snow tomorrow

Wacky March weather!!! Oh, I forgot, it must be an effect of global warming.

13 March 2007

Gee, I are one . . .

Everyday I check the AOL "post your thoughts" boards where subscribers comment on the AOL-slanted, mostly-sensationalized and distorted, yellow press journalistic "breaking news stories of the day". It amusing actually, reading what the libtards have to say . . . it's amazing also how any story, regardless of theme, will instantly degenerate into a bash Bush thread. Logic, truth, and common sense be damned . . . give the libtards every opportunity to bash, bash, bash. You know what scares the hell out me? These flaming assholes can vote! That's just fucking wonderful.

11 March 2007


It's all good . . .

A new hobby . . .

I've always been fascinated by the night skies . . . gosh, since I was little kid. My family got me into star gazing. We lived in Gettysburg, PA and could walk to portions of the battlefield that offered "good seeing" as they say in this hobby. My most vivid memories of "the early years" include seeing Sputniks 1 and 2 . . . waiting hours laying on blanket in a meadow for them to pass. I remember spotting a comet from our backyard using nothing more than a pair of "opera glasses" as an aid.

I was blessed to see the northern lights in the 1970's. Ironically, from my former residence just outside Gburg. My buddy and I had just returned from a weekend fishing trip and were enjoying a few more brews in my driveway so as not to wake up my kids. My ex saw it too, so no one can say we were tripping out on Andecker beer. What an amazing light show!

Having spent decades in a field artillery unit, with fire missions going on for hours after midnight, I eventually passed the "dead air" time standing around the gun line by learning constellations, awaiting metor showers, etc. One evening, I saw a metorite "split" or "Y" as it streaked across the heavens . . . several of my gun bunny buddies saw it too. Pretty cool.

I'm the neighborhood guy who goes out at all kind of hours to look for conjunctions, comets, eclipses, and other celestial events nobody else seems to give a shit about . . . but it's funny how they ask if I saw I saw them, and what were they like, and did I take a photo?

Well . . . it's finally time to graduate from binoculars and telephoto camera lenses to an honest-to-goodness telescope! I've been researching them for several months. This is potentially a very expensive hobby to take to the next level. The techie that I am almost surely guarantees that I'll have to have a computer-assisted "go to" scope mount. I'm fairly sure that refractor scopes will best serve me for entry level and have narrowed my choices to 3 scopes. 3.1" Celestron, 6" Celestron (yard cannon), and Orion 3.1" ED/Apo. I'll probably go with the 3.1" aperature and now it's only a question of resolving a few other minor preference items. It's be another month or 2 until my astro-budget will allow me to make a purchase, but in the mean time, I've downloaded all the owner's manuals and continue to study and compare features.
This should be fun!!!

10 March 2007

DST Sucks!

No way to put a pretty face on it . . . daylight savings time, in my estimation, sucks! If we're going to extend it for the extra weeks, why not just adopt it year 'round?!? Old farts like me take weeks to "re-set our sleep cycles" and adjust to it . . . would somebody please start an advocacy group for us sleep loss victims?!? Fuck, if extending DST can reduce oil consumption and give us all these so-called benefits, why not go for it all the way?

Question . . .

66 degrees today!

Man . . . that's as warm as it's been since late-January! Sounds funny saying that! BBQ season is upon us!!!

Caption this photo!!!

07 March 2007

Faggot, Coward, or just Stupid - you decide!

Mullah Mahmood, who is accused of helping the Taliban detonate suicide bombs, was caught Tuesday in Kandahar province while wearing the all-encompassing Islamic veil worn here by women, NATO said.

"Alert (Afghan) soldiers at this checkpoint spotted the oddity and quickly arrested him," NATO said. Mahmood was caught trying to leave the Panjwayi area of Kandahar province, the site of a large NATO battle last fall where hundreds of Taliban fighters were killed, NATO said.

"The capture of this senior Taliban extremist is another indicator that a more normal life is returning to the Zhari and Panjwayi districts and a testament to the great work the (Afghan army) is achieving," said Maj. Gen. Ton van Loon, the southern commander of NATO-led troops.


Damn . . . I didn't even know Rosie was pregnant!

You gotta love it - pot calling the kettle black

Tue Mar 06 2007 17:08:05 ET

The Most ‘Inconvenient Truth’: According to U.N., Animals Raised for Food Generate More Greenhouse Gases Than All Cars and Trucks CombinedNorfolk, Va.

This morning, PETA sent a letter to former vice president Al Gore explaining to him that the best way to fight global warming is to go vegetarian and offering to cook him faux “fried chicken” as an introduction to meat-free meals.

In its letter, PETA points out that Gore’s film, An Inconvenient Truth—which starkly outlines the potentially catastrophic effects of global warming and just won the Academy Award for “Best Documentary”—has failed to address the fact that the meat industry is the largest contributor to greenhouse-gas emissions.

In the letter, PETA points out the following: · The effect that our meat addiction is having on the climate is truly staggering. In fact, in its recent report “Livestock’s Long Shadow—Environmental Issues and Options,” the United Nations determined that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases than all the cars and trucks in the world combined.

Researchers at the University of Chicago have determined that switching to a vegan diet is more effective in countering global warming than switching from a standard American car to a Toyota Prius. PETA also reminds Gore that his critics love to question whether he practices what he preaches and suggests that by going vegetarian, he could cut down on his contribution to global warming and silence his critics at the same time.

“The single best thing that any of us can do to for our health, for animals, and for the environment is to go vegetarian,” says PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk. “The best and easiest way for Mr. Gore to show his critics that he’s truly committed to fighting global warming is to kick his meat habit immediately.”

06 March 2007

Charmin' Toilet Paper Bridal Gowns

See dozens more at:

Ready . . . Shoot . . . Aim

The change takes effect Sunday, as daylight saving time begins three weeks earlier (and ends a week later, on the first Sunday in November). And many companies are scrambling to reset BlackBerry e-mail devices, desktop PCs and big data-center computers used to automate payrolls, purchasing and manufacturing.

This puts the United States out of sync with the rest of the world for longer than usual this spring, almost certainly disrupting not only computers but also the business and travel schedules of companies, workers and travelers. Most of Europe goes to daylight saving time March 25, two weeks after America, while most of Asia, Africa and South America do not observe daylight saving time at all.

Any device that has an internal clock looms as a potential problem and must be tweaked for the time change, usually with a software patch. Most internal clocks in computing devices are programmed for the old daylight-time calendar, which Congress set in 1986.

"It's a massive amount of work to get everything in order," said Kim Stevenson, a vice president at Electronic Data Systems , a large technology services company. "And the do-nothing plan is a high-risk plan." The daylight-time shift, according to technology executives and analysts, amounts to a "mini-Y2K."

That is a reference to the rush in the late 1990s to change old software, which was unable to recognize dates in the new millennium, 2000 and beyond.

04 March 2007

Last night's sky candy

01 March 2007

Dead Skunk Day in PA

Driving to and from work, I was reminded more than a dozen times today that Spring 2007 isn't far off . . . dead skunk road kill . . . a definate sign that warmer days are coming! Most everyone associates "Groundhog Day" with predicting a new season, but I think these black and white stinkers are more reliable. Man . . . they were everywhere day . . . gawd aweful smell to be sure!

OK . . . it's March and . . .

the "march into Spring 2007" has officially begun! Yeah Buddy! This old fool is looking forwarded firing up the smoker grill, getting the RV ready for campin' season, and tuning up the John Deere for mowing season. The Blue and White football game and the eventual start of Pen State's 2007 campaign . . . for some reason, I mentally hold out for March as a pivotal month of the year . . . it's here so I cheer! The only negative associated with March 2007 is the early start of daylight savings time . . . that totally messes up my sleep cycle for weeks.

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