29 November 2007

10 Best Days of My Life

On the roller coaster of life, the past ten days were among the happiest of my life. The events of yesterday and today have derailed my life again. I am too saddened to comment, and again will refrain from posting indefinately.

24 November 2007

A time to give thanks . . .

This year, more so than perhaps any in the past, brought the meaning of Thanksgiving Day in to clearest focus. For those close to me, you know. For the one closest to me, you are . . . and I am most thankful.

18 November 2007

November 18, 2007

If you ever doubt the power of prayer or wonder if there are really such things as miracles, let this post be a one man testimonial that they are so! It's gonna be a little while until normalcy returns to life as I once knew it . . . but each day, beginning today, is the first step forward.

From The Poodles
From Grillin' & Sm...
From PSU

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