22 March 2010

1776 - 2010 It was a good run!

So . . . where were you the day freedom in our beloved USA ended? With the ever-growing emergence of a socialist nanny state in 2010, recently amplified by the passage of a health industry take over act, freedom in America, at least as I knew it, loved it, and served to defend it, is teetering on life support.

I can tell you exactly where I was the hour and day when JFK was shot, when Challenger blew up, and when John L was shot . . . sadly, I can now add last Sunday morning to that list.

For those who "get it" . . . we've reached the threshold that seperates individual freedom, and the eventual government control of nearly every aspect of our lives . . . we've been pushed deeper into an era of entitlement, government dependency, and the path to eventual dictatorship grows wider and slicker. This is not the same America I knew 40 years ago. I take solice in 2 things. I'm surely not the only person who thinks this way, and although taking our country back peacefully will be difficult, it's not impossible to accomplish if enough people rally together in November to throw these bafoons out of office. Socialism was never what our founders had in mind for us . . . rugged individualism, God-fearing honor, and liberty . . . a government that governs best, governs least . . . where and when did the voting public get dumbed down to the point where American core values had to be placed on life support?

God bless America . . . we need those blessings now, more than ever!

12 February 2010

Once in a decade or two . . .

. . . my area gets socked with a major snow storm. I remember 1993 and 1996 as the 2 most-recent years when heavy snow accumulations stalled travel, school, and business activities in South Central PA. 2010 is proving to be another year to remember . . . we've had 3 fairly significant snow events, 2 really huge events since the Christmas holidays! The last 2 events were only days apart and my neighborhood is witness to over 40 inches of snow in non-drift sections of lawns and other flat surfaces. Drifts . . . well, I can't measure them all, but easily 5 to 6 feet, depending on slopes and wind swept open areas. I bought a new snow thrower in November, and glad I made that decision . . . it's getting quite a baptism!

Me . . . well, those who know me, know I hate snow in any amount more than a few flurries!

21 January 2010

Restoration of Faith in Democracy

I gotta admit, since the most-recent presidential campaign, and subsequent take over of Congress and the executive branch, I've been in an absolute state of shock. For the past year, I saw the America I knew, defended, and loved be undermined by socialists who are hell bent and determined to destroy capitalism and representative democracy. I lamented, to anyone who'd listen, that this isn't the America that once was . . . worse, the damage done seemed irreversible. No need to slash and bash the current crop of politicians responsible for the mess, tempting as it might be for those of us who felt totally helpless to stop the wave of "change".

The miracle of Scott Brown's election to the Senate this week, to fill "The Kennedy Seat", in the most democrat state of the Union, sparked "hope" the America I love won't become a socialist dictatorship. Trust me, the only presidential photograph that adorns a wall in my house is one of JFK . . . and, for years, I was a devote registered Democrat. But since JFK, my former party morphed into a party I couldn't support. I'm not saying the many GOP politicians are all that much better . . . but it's still the only national political party that embraces the same conservative values that I embrace. Well . . . this was be a "year of hope and change" . . . many readers may be disappointed . . . me, I hoped for a miracle and it happened with Brown's victory. Will his seat in Congress change the direction our country was headed in? Let's hope so! My faith in democracy, for now, is restored.

15 September 2008

A "celebutard" weighs in . . .

Lindsay Lohan isn't happy with Republican vice presidential candidate John McCain's choice of running mate, Sarah Palin.

"I really cannot bite my tongue anymore when it comes to Sarah Palin," the actress, 22, wrote on her MySpace blog Sunday.

"I couldn't be more supportive of a woman in office, but let's face it, it comes down to the person, and their beliefs, male or female," Lohan said.

"I would have liked to have remained impartial, however I am afraid that the 'lipstick on a pig' comments will overshadow the issues and the fact that I believe Barack Obama is the best choice, in this election, for president," she added.

Although Lohan said she feels "it's necessary for me to clarify that I am not against Sarah Palin as a mother or woman", the star believes that Palin -- the Incumbent Governor of Alaska -- isn't ready to run the country.

She said, "I find it quite interesting that a woman who now is running to be second in command of the United States, only 4 years ago had aspirations to be a television anchor, which is probably all she is qualified to be.

"Oh, and... Hint Hint Pali Pal - Don't pose for anymore tabloid covers, you're not a celebrity, you're running for office to represent our, your, my COUNTRY!"

Lohan -- who is rumored to be in a relationship with DJ Samantha Ronson -- also referenced Palin's views on homosexuality.

"Is it a sin to be gay?" Lohan asked. "Should it be a sin to be straight? Or to use birth control? Or to have sex before marriage? Or even to have a child out of wedlock?
"Is our country so divided that the Republicans best hope is a narrow minded, media obsessed homophobe?"

In conclusion, Lohan cited an Associated Press story reporting that Palin's church advocates a conference about prayer curing homosexuality. Wrote Lohan: "Palin's Desire to "save and convert the gays" - really??"

Ronson also chimed in.

"Vote for obama!" Ronson wrote. "Mainly because if she gets elected my green card probably won't get renewed!!!"

DD Comment - WTF?

14 September 2008

Normally, I'm for the orange teams . . .

but if it's an old rival . . . not this time. The Lions prevail 55 -13 . . . and they look unstoppable. If this is a warm up to Big 10 competition, toggled with losses by the Bucknuts and Rustnuts this weekend . . . PSU and Wisconsin appear to be the conference contenders so far . . . time, of course will tell . . .

12 September 2008

What's not to like about Sarah?

11 September 2008

7 Years Later - still true!

"The people who did this to us are monsters; the people who cheered them have hate-sickened minds. One reason they can cheer is that they know we would never do to them what their heroes did to us, even though we could, a thousand times worse.

They know that when we hunt down the monsters, we will try hard not to harm the innocent. Those are the handcuffs we willingly wear, because for all our flaws, we are a decent people."

-- Dave Barry.

Something to ponder . . .

It seems to me that the liberal media and the Dems have spent the past 7 years bashing President Bush, and anyone else for that matter, who supports the war on terrorism. I understand that there are those who will do anything to discredit a strong stance on national defense . . . geez, we've witnessed a steady parade of anti-war, anti-Bush, anti-this, anti-that over since the fateful day we lost 3000 Americans at the hands of terrorists.

What I find disgusting is willingness of some politicians to trade America's security for political popularity and gain. No part of that is right, on either side of the aisle. Fact - there have been no successful attacks against our homeland under the President's watch since that tragic day 7 years ago. Yes, it's true, the President has paid a aweful price in the arena of public opinion for sticking to this single-minded mission of homeland defense (taking it to them on their soil), and sadly U.S. military losses during this time is another high ticket item too. Is there anyone who honestly thinks that freedom is free?

The record on homeland defense speaks for itself . . . we haven't seen images like the one above since 9/11 . . . therein is the legacy of our President and freedom fighters.

Oops . . .

ABC News' Matthew Jaffe reports: Sen. Barack Obama's, D-Ill., vice presidential nominee, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., Wednesday said that Sen. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., might have been a better pick for the position than him.

At a rally in Nashua, N.H., a man in the audience told Biden how glad he was that Obama picked him over Hillary, "not because she's a woman, but because, look at the things she did in the past."

"Make no mistake about this," Biden responded. "Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend, she is qualified to be president of the United States of America, she’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America, and quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me. But she’s first rate, I mean that sincerely, she’s first rate, so let’s get that straight."

Spokesman Ben Porritt offered this response from the McCain camp: "Barack Obama’s most important decision of this election, and Biden -- the candidate he selects -- suggests, himself, that he wasn’t the right man for the job, and that Hillary Clinton would have been a better choice. Biden certainly has a credible viewpoint on this."

If there was ever any doubt . . .

If anyone needed proof of France's love for Barack Obama, le Figaro offered it today with an opinion poll. This finds that 80 percent of the French want the Democrat candidate to win the US presidency while only eight percent favour John McCain.

The poll was carried out by TNS Sofres on September 2 and 3, before McCain benefited from the Sarah Palin bounce but it gives an idea of the overwhelming wish in France to see a President Obama take office. Eighty-six percent have a good opinion of him compared with only 35 percent for McCain. The strong support cuts across social class and the political spectrum. The most senior French politicians at the Democratic convention came from President Sarkozy's rightwing UMP party, not the leftwing opposition.

The BBC found pro-Obama feeling to be strong worldwide in a poll this week, but the passion seems to run higher in France than anywhere. There are reasons for this.
France has an idealised and schizophrenic view of the United States that dates back to 1776 when King Louis XVI helped the colonial insurgents fight Britain's peace-keeping force. France feels that it has a founding share in the nation which bestowed jazz, GIs, cocktails, JFK and Clint Eastwood on Europe. It dislikes what it sees as the more primary, messianic and intolerant America that is represented by Republicans and personified by George W Bush.
Given the demonisation of Bush, it is surprising that the Figaro poll found that as many as 18 percent of the French hold a favourable opinion of him.

French misunderstanding of the USA has been glaring in the coverage of Sarah Palin. TV reporters have been at a loss to explain hockey moms and the excitement over a woman whose pitch is patriotism, religion and family values. France prefers American frontier heroes of the fictional kind, courtesy of John Ford or Sergio Leone. Few have noticed that Palin invented a French name for the company which she registered earlier in her career -- Rouge Cou. "It’s a classy way of saying redneck," she told The Anchorage Daily. "It’s a French word, rouge is red, cou is neck. It’s for marketing and consulting, in case I wanted to go that route" (No doubt she has been told that it should be Cou Rouge).

French readiness to take a dark, even irrational, view of America was on display again this week when Jean-Marie Bigard, a popular comic and actor, proclaimed his belief in the conspiracy version of September 11 2001.

"It is absolutely sure and certain now that the two planes that crashed on the (Pennsylvania) forest and the Pentagon never existed. There was never a plane... It is a vast lie", he said on Europe 1, a popular national radio station. After a dressing down by his managers, Bigard apologised today but he did not retract the view, which is shared by many in France as we have seen here before (The New York Times had a good piece yesterday on the consensus in the Middle East that 9/11 was a US conspiracy).

Lest We Forget

07 September 2008

Obama wanted to enlist, my ass!

Barack Obama has said he considered joining the United States military when he left school but decided not to because the Vietnam war was over and "we weren't engaged in an active military conflict at that point".

DD Comment - sounds like a lame ass excuse to me! He has no clue about "readiness" and "unselfish devotion to Country" . . . and, he can kiss my non-Muslim ass! Oh BTW . . . he made reference to "his Muslim faith" earlier this weekend . . . my oh my . . .

Cow farts, give up steaks on the grill, my ass!

"The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation has estimated that meat production accounts for nearly a fifth of global greenhouse gas emissions. These are generated during the production of animal feeds, for example, while ruminants, particularly cows, emit methane, which is 23 times more effective as a global warming agent than carbon dioxide. The agency has also warned that meat consumption is set to double by the middle of the century.

'In terms of immediacy of action and the feasibility of bringing about reductions in a short period of time, it clearly is the most attractive opportunity,' said Pachauri. 'Give up meat for one day [a week] initially, and decrease it from there,' said the Indian economist, who is a vegetarian."

DD comment: WTF? Why would we not tap methane as a natural fuel source? The agenda here is pretty obvious!

It looks a good year for the Lions . . .

Early in the season it's way too soon to know the "character of the team" that's thrilling us with one-sided victories over so-so teams . . . way too early to tell. However, if there were a year when our schedule would have included a "powerhouse" opponent in week one or two of the schedule, this I believe would be a year in which our team would have done extremely well against.
Wow . . . what an offensive display! Is it possible that this may be one of the better offensive teams PSU has fielded in the past 20 years? If my gut instinct is correct, it may just be . . . and, if Old Scrap can hone the "D" into something that resembles a "traditional D" . . . this might also be "our year" for BCS contention . . . maybe more!
Hats off to JoePa . . . for a few hours yesterday (before FSU played last night), he became the "winningest coach in college football" . . . something he and Bobby Bo will no doubt continue to contend for this season as well. Go get 'em Joe! (I followed you coaching from Day 1 and I hope to see you have one more MNC).
Off field challenges and injuries continue to plague this team . . . there in lays what appears to be the only weaknesses to what otherwise promises to be one hell of a great year!

31 August 2008

Tis the season . . .

With the loss of a family pet this weekned, it was difficult to "get up the game" on Saturday. I watched the game (66-10 victory) against Coastal Carolina on HDTV (magnificent detail), but the zest and thrill of college football Saturdays just wasn't there . . .

Those who know me, also know my passion for Penn State football . . . and for the very few who follow this blog . . . know I usually put in my two cents on players, games, coaching, etc. I hope to "get back into the spirit" in the weeks to come . . . the Lions look like they could have a very good year . . .

In Memorium

Olivia Lynn, our first toy poodle, passed away Friday. She brought years of joy and companionship into our family's lives and she will be missed. Mother of 3, we are blessed to have one of her offspring, Madison, still with us. Olivia suffered from congestive heart disease in recent months. She was laid to rest on our property on Saturday and we are planning to purchase a granite garden memorial to mark her resting place. The loss of a beloved pet is always hard, the loss of Olivia is particularly devastating - she touched so many lives. Livey Girl, put your little head down and rest . . .

13 August 2008



16 July 2008

15 JULY 2008


07 July 2008

Marker Date

15 MAY

04 July 2008

Happy and Safe 4th of July

01 July 2008

Posted for a friend . . .

Rams Head @ Savage

Rams Head Tavern and Restuarant, Savage Mills, Savage, MD . . . great place to dine!

Since 1989, the Rams Head has served the freshest food possible, preparing each menu item from scratch, daily. Our steaks are aged Black Angus beef and we use fresh (never frozen) chicken, fish and crab. We're proud of quality of our food and our team philosophy- to provide you with the best service possible. We're certain you'll agree that what makes Rams Head unique is our commitment to great food, great beer in a casual environment perfect for an afternoon with friends or a special affair. Our exceptional atmosphere is open 7 days a week, serving appetizers, lunch, dinner and a full bar as well as Sunday brunch. Plus, our entire menu is available for take-out.
We hope you enjoy your visit with us and that we exceed your expectations!
- Staff and Management, Rams Head Tavern

What are the odds?

28 June 2008

Chapter 21

It was then that the fox appeared.

"Good morning," said the fox.

"Good morning," the little prince responded politely, although when he turned around he saw nothing.

"I am right here," the voice said, "under the apple tree."

"Who are you?" asked the little prince, and added, "You are very pretty to look at."

"I am a fox," said the fox.

"Come and play with me," proposed the little prince. "I am so unhappy."

"I cannot play with you," the fox said. "I am not tamed."

"Ah! Please excuse me," said the little prince.

But, after some thought, he added:
"What does that mean-- 'tame'?"

"You do not live here," said the fox. "What is it that you are looking for?"

"I am looking for men," said the little prince. "What does that mean-- 'tame'?"
"It is an act too often neglected," said the fox. It means to establish ties."

"'To establish ties'?"

"Just that," said the fox. "To me, you are still nothing more than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of me. To you, I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other. To me, you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world..."

"I am beginning to understand," said the little prince. "There is a flower... I think that she has tamed me..."

26 June 2008

Marker Date

25 March 2008

Just gotta love it . . .

Clinton 'Misspoke' on Sniper Fire Story
Posted: 2008-03-25 10:56:18

Filed Under: Elections News, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton
WASHINGTON (March 25) - Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign said she "misspoke" last week when saying she had landed under sniper fire during a trip to Bosnia as first lady in March 1996. She later characterized the episode as a "misstatement" and a "minor blip."

22 March 2008

Normally, I find protests unattractive events . . .

Yeah Buddy!

By the way . . .

It'll be "grillin' season" in about 2 or 3 more weeks . . . I can't wait much longer!!!

Alma Mater Comes Up Short

When I attended Mount St. Mary's in the mid-60's, the school's signature sport was basketball (Division II) complete with a legendary coach and several players who later became pros and or coaches. As I recall, the Mount was always a force to be reckoned with in Division II play and won one national championship that I remember during those days.

The Mount went Division I several years ago and the legendary coach Phelan retired shortly after. I haven't followed their basketball program with any more than a casual interest over the years - until they emerged in the March Madness line up and earned a bracket spot.

My office in Baltimore and I get razzed all the time about my loyalty to PA teams (PSU and the Eagles) and it was nice to remind some of those folks that my alma mater made it to the big dance . . . yeah . . . that tiny little university . . . scheduled for "the play in game" against a Baltimore-based school that I professed never hear of . . . this was fun!

I watched my first Mount game in decades on my new Sony 46" HD . . . wow . . . although we fell behind in the first game, the Mount (in the form I remembered of old) surged back to win. The next day at work was spent collecting my bets!

I guess is when the bottom seed plays the top seed (N.C.) in the next event, the odds aren't favoring the bottom seed . . . there are of course those occassional miracles . . . but it was not to be last night . . . the Mount coming up short. Still, with great pride, it is a wonderful thing to have "roots" with a school that continues to make its mark with academics and sport programs. I seriously doubt if the Mount will ever expand the campus and enrollment to rival the larger institutions . . . I seriously don't think they need to . . . that charming "little University" seems to be doing pretty well just like it is . . . Hail to the Mighty Mounties!!!

Discovering Craig's List

Just when I thought I had a fairly good grasp of the depth and breadth of the Internet . . . my daugther introduced me Craig's List. Wow . . . what an amazing venue! As an avid eBay user, I was instantly mezmerised by the "for sale" section of the site . . . have, within the course of 10 days now listed and successfully sold a number of items too large to ship otherwise . . . this is GREAT. While feeling a bit stupid about not knowing CL has been around for a long time, I'm thrilled to have been introduced to it and will surely get hooked on it for buying and selling stuff.

18 March 2008

A taste of the past . . .

Growing up in South Central Pennsylvania in the 1950's and 60's provided an opportunity to experience a variety of PA Dutch food dishes and treats. It seems to me that we are most fond of the things that we first experienced that were enjoyable, and in this case, absolutely delicious tasting! I'm talking about soft prezels! Not the ones sold in malls and airports, not the ones soaked in butter, not the ones frozen and you bake at home, nope . . . we talking about authentic PA Dutch-style soft "bretzels" that were available at roadside bakeries, small town delicatessans, and Mom & Pop bake shops where I grew up.

A soft bretzel, made the PA Dutch way are of a character all their own! A bagel-like outer crust, impregnated with coarse salt, and the inner "guts" were a very fine, soft, bread-like treat in and of itself. Right out of the oven. steaming hot, covered with mustard . . . didn't get any better than that . . . as a kid you'd hear adults say: "this is better than sex" . . . but we had no idea what they were talking about till much later! Today, the sex part is pretty darn good . . . but damn it, the pretzels are almost impossible to find.

I remember 2 sources for these pretzels from my youth . . . the Distlefink Drive-In and Jones' Deli in the Gettysburg area. I'm sure there were others, but these two I remember.

Recently, I've embarked on a quest to make them from scratch . . . discovering early on that it will be a long and arduous endeavor! The recipe is out there . . . somewhere . . . but for the time being, I will have to content myself with trail and error baking experiments in an effort to "get it right" . . .

Above, I posted a photo of my first try . . . looks like them, kind of tastes like them, but the first batch lacked the "fluffy guts" that is such an important characteristic of the real deal . . . but I take solice in the notion that it all comes down to the composition and ingredients of the dough, so there is hope!

I've read dozens of articles on the subject of soft pretzels and how they are made in the German tradition. I'm a little skeptical about bathing them in food-grade lye solution before baking them, and with the price and dangers associated with lye solution, will preserve that as a "last option" in my quest to replicate the perfect soft "bretzel" of the past!

14 March 2008

Going . . . going . . . going . . .

. . . how soon will the prospect of her nomination be gone?

Babble news . . .

Patrick Swayze still smoking despite being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
By BARRY WIGMORE - Last updated at 22:56 pm on 13th March 2008

Puffing on a cigarette is not the most sensible thing to do when you're battling cancer.
But if, as reports suggest, Patrick Swayze has only a few weeks to live, he may think it makes little difference.

The once-athletic star of Dirty Dancing, Ghost, and action films such as Point Break looked gaunt as he dragged on a cigarette while waiting for his private plane.

I love Patrick's movies and career . . . so don't get me wrong about this . . . it's absolutely his own business what he chooses to do - with, or without the unfortunate diagnosis. Mr Wigmore's article is a fine example of "babble news" . . . geez, says a writer, I need a story, so I'll trot one out . . . blah, blah, blah, blah . . . blah . . .

12 March 2008

More ludicrous school news . . .

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) ― An eighth-grade honors student at a New Haven school has been suspended for buying a bag of candy at school. Michael Sheridan, a student at Sheridan Middle School, was suspended from school for one day, barred from attending an honors student dinner and stripped of his title as class vice president.

Officials say he was punished because he bought a bag of Skittles from another student. A school spokeswoman says the New Haven school system banned candy sales and fundraisers in 2003 as part of the district-wide school wellness policy.

Spokeswoman Catherine Sullivan-DeCarlo says there are no candy sales allowed in schools, period. The student who sold the candy also was suspended.

Deer's eyes in the headlights . . .

So, it comes down to my state, April 22nd. As a registered Republican, I will "jump ship" and vote for Obama in the primary . . . while my vote is only a single grain of salt in the greater scheme of things . . . it represents my one chance to affect the outcome of getting her out of contention. I may even break my fast from drinking beer (I'm on a diet) and celebrate if things turn out as I hope they will . . . stay tuned!

First it was transfat, now it's B.O.

ST. PAUL, Minn. - Those all-over body sprays that promise to turn teenage boys into babe magnets? Instead of attracting girls, they could be making them sick.

A Minnesota lawmaker proposed a bill Monday urging a fragrance-free educational campaign to discourage students from dousing themselves in scents that aggravate classmates with asthma and other health problems.

Odors that fill hallways come mostly from boys who douse themselves in body sprays like Axe, said Mikolai Altenberg, a senior at Minneapolis South High School. He said the smell is "indescribable" and unavoidable.

"You can smell it from 10 feet away," Altenberg said. "Mostly it's just guys who just think that putting Axe all over them is a substitute for showering."

Rep. Karen Clark, a Democrat, first proposed banning fragrances in Minneapolis schools, one of the state's largest school districts. The bill she introduced Monday scales that back to an awareness campaign in Minneapolis and in other districts that volunteer. The campaign could include letters to parents, fact sheets, signs in schools, e-mail and Web sites.

One in eight Minneapolis students has asthma, and school nurses have treated students for wheezing and headaches brought on by the fragrances wafting from classmates, said Mary Heiman, a nursing service manager who runs the district's asthma program.

An awareness campaign would mirror the approach of policies at the University of Minnesota's Disability Services office and in a recent version of the Minneapolis teachers contract.
If the awareness campaign works, it could be expanded, Clark said.

A trade group for toiletry makers, the Personal Care Products Council in Washington, said it doesn't oppose fragrance policies as long as they're voluntary. "We really don't think it's a good idea to legislate personal hygiene," said John Hurson, the group's head of government affairs.

Rhode Island and Massachusetts are the only other states where lawmakers have proposed fragrance-free bills in the past two years, Hurson said.

04 March 2008

Summer's Around The Corner!

Soon, we'll be advancing the clocks for daylight saving time. Gas prices will artificailly inflate again in anticipation of vacation travel. And, on a brighter note . . . I can fire up my charcoal and wood chip grills for this season's grilling frolics! Not to mention late night astrophotography and beer drinking, just a few weeks away!!! Yard work, mowing, home improvements, and long summer evenings! I can't wait.

This will be an excellent summer! Much to be thankful for . . . much to look forward to . . . my heart is lighter and my spirit is healing.

Headline says it's "C-Day"

They mean "Clinton Day" . . . but some of us are thinking the "C" means something entirely different. Today could be the day of a quick decline into political obscurity . . . "cheer day" . . . nope, not even close!

What an asshole, but then again, it's ABC

"Good Morning America" co-host Chris Cuomo joked on Monday's show that Britain's Prince Harry "has been over in Afghanistan fighting because he's expendable." Fellow host Robin Roberts appeared somewhat shocked by the comment and sputtered, "What did you say?" Cuomo, who was previewing an ABC special on the royals, didn't back off his assertion and reiterated, "It's true. The reason that Harry is allowed to be in Afghanistan is because he's not the heir to the throne. William's not allowed to be there."

While Harry may not be next in line to be king, it's in very poor taste for a professional journalist to make such a snide remark. After all, Prince Harry went to Afghanistan to bravely serve his country, not because he's "expendable." And perhaps it should be pointed out that it was Chris Cuomo's brother, Andrew, who entered politics and carried on the legacy of father and former New York Governor Mario Cuomo. Is Chris Cuomo's career in journalism, by extension, a reflection of the fact that he's "expendable?"

Personally, having had the pleasure of serving beside British soldiers, I take great offense at the irresponsible statement made by this nimrod. Royalty or otherwise, the life of every soldier is precious. What some people will never understand is the notion that the armed forces of free nations pay a heavy price protecting the freedom of speech of its citizens. Don't you think a measure of respect is due? What an ass!

14 February 2008

Marker Date

Progress continues, I'm encouraged. Observable and measureable strides in the right direction are evident. 1600 hours.

08 February 2008

Marker date

08 FEB 07 . . . 0025 hrs . . .

06 February 2008

This . . . I miss!

A tee shirt, $12.00

With this message, priceless!

Sign of the times . . .

Yeah Buddy!

Some nuts on that critter . . .

04 February 2008

Little Justin . . .

My Mommy The Dancer

One day a fourth-grade teacher asked the children what their mothers did for a living. All the typical answers came up -- teacher, nurse, businesswoman, saleswoman, doctor, lawyer, and so forth.
However, little Justin was being uncharacteristically quiet, so when the teacher prodded him about his mother, he replied, "Well my mother's an exotic dancer in a cabaret and takes off all her clothes in front of men and they put money in her underwear. Sometimes, if the offer is really good, she will go home with some guy and stay with him all night for money."
The teacher, obviously shaken by this statement, hurriedly set the other children to work on some exercises and then took little Justin aside to ask him, "Is that really true about your mother?"
"No," the boy said, "She works for the Democratic National Committee and is helping to get Hillary Clinton to be our next President, but I was too embarrassed to say that in front of the other kids."

Has this been your experience as well?

From The Poodles
From Grillin' & Sm...
From PSU

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