This weekend's cookout caper is a test in preparation for September and October's college football Saturday afternoons. Last season, we hosted quite a few "tailgate parties" on the patio. At the time, I was using 2 portable charcoal grills to BBQ and smoke bratwurst, Nittany Lion franks, ribs, etc. This season, the dynamics have changed . . . The Char Griller should be able to handle the entire fare with grill space to spare.
I decide to experiment with multiple meat and veggie items this weekend in the hopes of getting the grill timing down to the point where the food can come off the grill to serve within a few minutes of each other.
Here's the line up and the plan:
Pork Tenderloin Roast and Beef Brisket (they'll start out in a foil pan in the kitchen oven at 200 degrees, covered, for about 6 hours before transfer to the smoker).
Babyback Ribs and Country Style Ribs (bone in) will start out in the another foil pan, kitchen oven at 200 degrees, about 4 1/2 hours, before transfer to the smoker. They join the roasts about 2 hours later.
Smoker side box gets fired up at the 5 hour mark, all oak chunks at first, charcoal & oak chunks after the main grill cavity achieves 180 degrees.
6 hours mark, remove one main bottom grill section and build a small "off set charcoal fire" in the main grill cavity. Replace grill section after charcoal begins turning white. Add apple and cherry chips to side box and get the smoke cranked up to the stack. Repeat, repeat, repeat, the add Roasts and Ribs to warming shelf, nearest side box heat source, uncover them.
6 1/2 hour mark, introduce brats and franks to main grill, above the off set fire area.
7 hour mark . . . should be righteous and ready.
I'm curious to see if there is too much heat/smoke loss from the main chamber as a result of having to open and close the lid to attend to the brats, dogs, and burgers . . . this is my only real concern and primary reason for this experiment. I know the grill can handle the volume of food but I'm eager to fine tune the timing - I hate missing second half kick offs!