In her finest hour . . .
she was a urinal sticker at my local American Legion . . . let's flush HJ again!
Welcome! To the world, you may be only one person . . . but to one person, you may be the world.
she was a urinal sticker at my local American Legion . . . let's flush HJ again!
They always show you the protest idiots on one side of the line . . . but in all fairness to those who actually understand the concepts of national security, supporting the President, and our Armed Forces who protect our freedoms . . . I'd like to offer a photo collage of folks who'd like to simply protest these idiots!
Concern over “global warming” is overblown and misdirected. What follows are eight reasons why we should pull the plug on this scam before it destroys billions of dollars of wealth and millions of jobs.
There's pretty strong video evidence where I live that the global warming scammers are as full of shit as my standard poodle when I let her out to do her business today! Isn't she a gorgeous dog!?!
The 27-year-old former star of the TV comedy "Moesha" was not injured, but the driver of the car she rear-ended with her Land Rover in the December 30 crash died, according to the California Highway Patrol. The victim was identified as Awatef Aboudihaj, 38, a married mother of one, said CHP spokesman Leland Tang.
ATLANTA - A potentially explosive dispute in the City Too Busy to Hate is taking shape over a proposal to break Fulton County in two and split off Atlanta's predominantly white, affluent suburbs to the north from some of the metropolitan area's poorest, black neighborhoods.
Though President Bush is expected to address a wide range of topics during his State of the Union address, the Iraq War will undoubtedly take center stage. Is success in Iraq tied to our domestic security?
Well with onset of "global freezing" in the little village of East Berlin, the outdoor grillers have been driven indoors by 20 mph wind gusts producing wind chills is the single digits! Too damn cold to grill this weekend . . . that sucks!
. . . waking up this morning to find evidence of flurry activity overnight. It's very windy and what little accumulation of snow is swirling and curling about on the sidewalks and roadway. That's my kind of snow storm!!! No plows, no shovels. no school delays, no shortages of bread, milk, or TP at the grocery stores, etc.
Well, actually, I'm winding up a business road trip today. Will be good to return home . . . temps in the teens awaiting me . . . probably too cold to consider a weekend BBQ . . . but not entirely out of the question.
I noticed the temperature on a large outdoor sign on the way to work this morning (05:00 a.m.) was a balmy 61 degrees (not bad for mid-January). The weather forecast lady on the radio stated tyhat temps on the way home tonight would be in the lower 30's and dropping to the teens overnight tonight. All good things gotta come to an end . . . man, this was a great ride while it lasted!
What American accent do you have? Your Result: Philadelphia Your accent is as Philadelphian as a cheesesteak! If you're not from Philadelphia, then you're from someplace near there like south Jersey, Baltimore, or Wilmington. if you've ever journeyed to some far off place where people don't know that Philly has an accent, someone may have thought you talked a little weird even though they didn't have a clue what accent it was they heard. | |
The Midland | |
The South | |
The Inland North | |
The Northeast | |
North Central | |
Boston | |
The West | |
This will have you crying in your beer -- the cost of the foamy beverage is climbing in Pennsylvania and the rest of the country.
Humans originally existed as members of small bands of nomadic hunters & gatherers. They lived on deer in the mountains during the summer and would go to the coast and live on fish and lobster in the winter.
Yesterday's rib fest centered on full size ribs cuts (couldn't find baby backs anywhere this week) and I was a bit concerned because I don't have a good history with these cuts. I've tried several times previously and could only describe those efforts as "OK". With my daughter's family coming to dinner . . . these just had to turn out better this time around.
Stella Awards 2006, PA has a winner who came in third! Stella (the lady who spilled McDonald's coffee on herself and successfully sued them).
Civil rights leaders who have dominated black politics for much of the past two decades have pointedly failed to embrace the 45-year-old Illinois senator who is considering a bid to become America’s first black president.
SAN BERNARDINO, January 12, 2007 - Children in the mountain region north of San Bernardino can put aside their books and get out their sleds as heavy snow prompted school closures Friday and Southern California braced for a blast of cold weather over the weekend.
Light misting rain, foggy, and 51 degrees in my backyard at 07:00 this morning . . . kind of funny, I was talking to myself as I went outside to fire us the smoker grill . . . "hey, another great day in January for grilling, gotta love this man . . ." It's official, some drive by neighbors think I'm nuts! Could kick myself in the ass though . . . when this one neighbor drove by with a fixed, gawking stare, I should have had a beer bottle in hand to hoist a friendly salute instead of my coffee mug . . . note to self . . . don't make that mistake again . . . bottle can be empty, keep one of the spice rack.
Well, the Ez-Up is erected, the smoker grill is set up, plenty of ale chillin', and the rib racks are membrane-skinned and ready . . . gonna take advantage of another 50 degree Sunday afternoon in January (suppose to be light rain, hence the canopy) and do 4 racks!
I've been looking for a source for a semi-rare men's cologne product and finally found it on eBay! 40 or more years ago, I bought a bottle of Jaguar cologne by Yardley. I remember it to have been quite expensive compared to other popular brands back in that day . . . and I remember only ever having bought a single bottle of it. After nursing it for a couple of years to make it last, I discovered it was discontinued . . . 35+ years later I found a small bottle of it listed on eBay, successfully bid, and it arrived today!
If you ever hope to be a credible adult and hold a job that pays better than minimum wage, then for God's sake don't pierce or tattoo every available piece of flesh. If so, then plan your future around saying: "Do you want fries with that?"
An 85-year-old man was requested by his doctor for a sperm count as a part of his physical exam.
Why it's important to understand English!
Imagine sending your kids off to school, but when they get to the bus they are told they can't get on because they speak English.
Some excellent WWII bomber plane "babes paintings"
FERNDALE, Pa. (Jan. 7) - A western Pennsylvania man is trying to solve a mystery that recently landed in his mailbox: a letter mailed more than 50 years ago and addressed to a Frederick Zane Yost.
New Execution Video . . . gaping hole - someone slit his throat conspiracy? |
Who knows for sure one way or the other? Who gives a royal shit?!? Seems to me that the dynamics of hanging someone by the neck until death would almost certainly guarantee a degree of damage to the flesh area if the neck, face, and head. Hey, the shitbag is dead, can we please move on? The shitbag loyalists should take comfort in the fact that he wasn't treated like Benito Mussolini.
"Culture Shock on Capitol Hill: House to Work 5 Days a Week" front-paged the WASHINGTON POST in December.Majority leader Steny Hoyer said members of the House will be expected in the Capitol for votes each week by 6:30 p.m. Monday and will finish their business about 2 p.m. Friday.
A member of Saddam Hussein's legal team said Sunday that she intends on suing the Iraqi government at the International Court of Justice over the taunting of the former leader by executioners on the gallows.
If the radical Muslims put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.
I've been "imgineering" different BBQ mopping sauces all season. Until a few weeks ago, nothing special or extraordinary surfaced . . . but as of noon today, I've found one worth sharing, combine:
Wow . . . got 3 racks of baby backs going on the smoker this afternoon!!! 70 degrees, sunny, and plenty of cold beer on hand while the ribs are cookin' . . . gawd, I love it!!!
EAST BERLIN, PA 17316 1315hrs 06 JAN 2007
Our cherry tree isn't in blossom but I'm happy to report another stretch of days with the temps in the 50's and 60's . . . very unusual for this time of year in my part of the world. I knew the global warming wackos would jump all over this and they have . . . we're doomed.
Duke University said Wednesday that two of the lacrosse players charged with sexually assaulting a stripper have been invited to return to school while they await trial and are eligible to rejoin the team.
The adviser to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to the media, did not identify the person. But he said it was "an official who supervised the execution" and who is "now under investigation."
From The Poodles |
From Grillin' & Sm... |
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From PSU |